
Sergey Prokushev
Financial Director of JSC OME Zapadnaya, member of JSC OME Zapadnaya Board
Mr Prokushev has an extensive experience of 19 years in the financial sphere including the position of deputy general director/finance in the precious metals industry (Dukatskoye deposit, Polymetal and Natalka deposit, Polyus Gold). He has two higher educations: Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute (known as MGRI) and Moscow Financial Academy. Mr Prokushev has been working in mining since 1986, starting his career as a mining engineer at the deposit of rare earth metals (the Kola peninsula). He joined ZGML in 2011.

Andrey Verkhozin
Director on Geology and Mineral resources of JSC OME Zapadnaya
Mr Verkhozin graduated from Geological prospecting faculty of Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute with a qualification of “Geological surveying, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits”. He began his professional career in North Eastern territorial geological department. Since 1979, after his graduation, Mr Verkhozin worked in Lensky gold field for many years, including the position of Chief geologist of gold mining companies starting as of 1991. He covered prospecting and exploration of placer and hard rock gold deposits as well as providing geological support during operations. In 2005-2011, he worked in OJSC “Polyus” and was responsible for exploration of large-scale deposits in Bodaibo region, – Chertovo koryto and Verninskoye, submitting explored reserves to State Committee on reserves. He joined ZGML in 2013.

Lyudmila Golik
Secretary of JSC OME Zapadnaya Board, member of JSC OME Zapadnaya Board
Mrs Golik graduated from Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute and Irkutsk State University. She has been a director of the company CJSC VSG-Invest since its foundation in 1995. Lyudmila has been working on the stock market since 1994; she holds a qualification certificate of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of the Russian Federation, series 1.0. Lyudmila has been cooperating with the Group of companies Zapadnaya since 2005. In 2009 she became a member of the Board of Directors of JSC OME Zapadnaya and a secretary of the Board of Directors.

Ivan Semenov
Director General of JSC OME Zapadnaya
Mr Semenov graduated from the Karaganda Technical University. He has been working in mining industry since 2000, starting as an apprentice of an underground electric locomotive operator becoming a director of an enterprise. For more than 20 years of experience, Mr Semenov worked in various mining companies: Kazakhmys OJSC, Kazzinc LLP, Nordgold LLC, Polymetal JSC. He joined ZGML in 2020.

Andrey Pisanko
Chief Process Engineer of JSC OME Zapadnaya
Mr Pisanko graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute with a degree of an Engineer in ore processing. He began his career at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (Tashkent). He has over 40 years experience in mining industry, was directly involved in designing, construction and operation of mining and metallurgical plants and processing factories. He joined ZGML in 2019.